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Get in touch with the team of the next generation! The Gonotec Single-Sample Freezing Point Osmometer are especially designed for routine measurements in the medical field and are also very suitable for measurements in research and industry. Both the Osmomat 3000 and the Osmomat 3000. Determine the total osmolality of aqueous solutions. The instruments require very small sample volumes and can thus be applied for extreme measuring tasks. Their rapidity allows serial measurements in a very short time.
Get in touch with the team of the next generation! The Gonotec Single-Sample Freezing Point Osmometer are especially designed for routine measurements in the medical field and are also very suitable for measurements in research and industry. Both the Osmomat 3000 and the Osmomat 3000. Determine the total osmolality of aqueous solutions. The instruments require very small sample volumes and can thus be applied for extreme measuring tasks. Their rapidity allows serial measurements in a very short time.
B2B in B2C s programi zvestobe. Upravljanje ekosistema podatkov o vozilih - VIAPAN. Ekspertni sistemi in inovativne baze znanja. ESV - ekspertni sistem za varjenje. Specialisti za digitalni marketing in ICO - širimo ekipo! Asistent vodje projektov - pridruži se nam! Razvijalci spletnih aplikacij - junior and senior. B2B in B2C s programi zvestobe. Upravljanje ekosistema podatkov o vozilih - VIAPAN. Ekspertni sistemi in inovativne baze znanja. ESV - ekspertni sistem za varjenje.
Welcome to the world of laboratories. At MIKRO POLO, we have been following and realising our mission of solving every problem our customer might encounter in the experimental environment of their laboratory for more than 25 years now. We take particular pride in our own brand of laboratory furniture LAB INTERIOR. With which we have equipped more than 400 laboratories in Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Russia, and other countries around the globe. Come and try us out! In the.
Palvelinten häiriöttömän toiminnan turvaaminen ja suojaaminen tulipaloilta on asiakkaan liiketoiminnan kannalta elintärkeää. Mikro-Pulssi toteutti IT-yrityksen datakeskukseen kattavan Argon-sammutusjärjestelmän. IT-tilojen suojaus ExAct 1230 -sammutusjärjestelmällä. Kaupan alalla toimivan yrityksen IT-tilat suojattiin Mikro-Pulssin automaattisella ExAct 1230-sammutusjärjestelmällä. ExAct Titan on uuden sukupolven pal.
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ROICs and sensors working in various spectral bands, such as UV, NIR, visible, NIR, SWIR, MWIR, and LWIR.